
Articles about different topics to support you in your journey. Written by Trustees, Members, Health Professionals...

  • Stories,  Support

    Elei’s Story – Awareness Week 2021

    Our son Tyson was born a little overdue, we got there in the end, back and forth to Maternity but 3rd time a charm. After being given the okay we were left to go to the birth centre to recover. But he wasn’t settling, ob’s every 2hrs, the morning nurse came in and next we were in NICU for 7 days. Fast forward to 6 months old, Tyson was a dream, but we started having issues with his weight, they kept putting a Nasal Gastric tube in and out, back and forth to A&E, then we found he had chronic constipation, he was put on IV Clean Prep and we…

  • Stories,  Support

    Journey of Reflux during Lockdown – Awareness Week 2021

    Journey of Reflux during Lockdown Barely three weeks after becoming a mum, NZ was thrown into lockdown; supports and practical help cut off. Instead, I found myself with a husband working from home and a baby that was incredibly distressed. This was not the start to motherhood that I had imagined. Just prior to lockdown the GP advised us that they suspected our daughter had cow’s milk protein intolerance (CMPI). She was put on Pepti Junior formula to help with that. Heading into lockdown she was starting to settle but then the progress quickly plateaued. My days during lockdown quickly became spent trying to console my upset baby or trying…

  • Support

    When you need more than just survival mode!

    Mental wellness while parenting a high needs infant I’ve noticed recently that I have been getting very frustrated at my husband. He seems to find time to read novels, watch movies and play his guitar. Now it’s not like my husband isn’t busy; he works full time, is studying Law and is a great help with our family. The difference between my husband and I is that he is able to bring himself into the moment and be present. He must have a to do list as big as mine with all he is juggling and yet he is able to set this aside and do something for himself, something…

  • Support

    Q&A, Navigating the introduction of Solids

    Spilt Milk Events Education and Support for parents coping with infants who spill and/or are irritable. One of the aims is to enhance a parent’s ability to manage the everyday demands that this brings to their life. Q&A, Navigating the introduction of Solids: This was going to be a half hour talk about introducing solids to babies who can be resistant to food, spoons, tastes and textures. held in Christchurch on 1st June 2017 during National Infant and Child Gastric Reflux Awareness Week.  However due to low registration numbers we opened it up to a Q&A session. Speaker: Judy Arnold, Registered Nurse, and Infant and Child Consultant Hosted by:Gastric Reflux Support Network…

  • Support

    Babies, Sleep and The 6 Senses

    Spilt Milk Events Education and Support for parents coping with infants who spill and/or are irritable. One of the aims is to enhance a parent’s ability to manage the everyday demands that this brings to their life. Babies, Sleep and The 6 Senses: A half hour presentation on the Infant’s Sensory System and ideas to help with Sleep held in Christchurch on 4th May 2017. Speaker: Judy Arnold, Registered Nurse, and Infant and Child Consultant Management of Gastric Reflux is not a topic covered under “Spilt Milk”, but soothing of a crying baby is discussed.  Hosted by:Gastric Reflux Support Network NZ for Parents of Infants and Children Charitable Trust (GRSNNZ)Charities Registration Number:…

  • Stories,  Support

    “His gastric reflux stopped…”

    Hi Roslyn, Thanks for the updates over the past several months.  I am leaving the group as my little boy no longer suffers from gastric reflux and is also no longer dairy intolerant! FYI he was on Neocate from 3 months old and had a combination of formula and my milk until he was 7.5 months.  I also went dairy free. We were going through a dozen bibs a day, multiple clothes changes and masses of washing – including my own clothes.  It was impossible to know whether the gastric reflux was a result of being dairy intolerant, but very interestingly the gastric reflux did continue for a long time after…