Membership & Confidentiality Agreement Form
Gastric Reflux Support Network NZ for Parents of Infants & Children Charitable Trust
Membership is free.
By completing the Membership Form you agree to the following:
Members, Support parents, GRSNNZ, committee members & Associates will treat the families they support with dignity, honesty and will respect their values, feelings, beliefs and right to privacy. All information and communication will be held confidential within GRSNNZ and associated services. All information about the family is protected. Support parents do not discuss or disclose any information about the child or the family to anyone except to their GRSNNZ Coordinator or Manager, unless there has been written permission from parents prior. Members who are privilege to GRSNNZ management information and processes will respect the sensitive nature of this information and agree not to share confidential material with other organisations including all documents with copy right. You may at anytime access and correct your information. Privacy Act. 1994. Using provisions within the Privacy Act, any unlawful act can be reported to the appropriate authorities.
Alternative versions of the form, if the one on this page doesn’t work for you:
Scan the QR code at the bottom of the page.
You can also use these to update your details and list subscriptions, but please note that we are not notified of changes. Please let us know if you want to be added to a Facebook Group or have an address change etc by forwarding these to us by email or using the contact form.
If you have any problems submitting a membership form please use the contact form to let us know.